Through the Eyes of Love

Thirty years ago today God gave me a son. Today, I watch over his son. Life passing on from one generation to another is such a miracle! From the tones in our voice, the facial jesters, the shape of our toes, to the amount of hair on our head; each detail a reflection of the seed that gave us life. I take joy in each step my children and my children’s children take toward life. The stumbles and the victories are like family movies that replay in my heart as I look into the eyes of the next generation. What will they come up against? What part will I play in their journey? Will they know me? Will they seek to be with me? Will they cherish their time with me?

As I ask myself these questions I consider God’s heart. Does He see His Son in me? Does He remember our journey to this point with fondness? Does He wonder, “Do I enjoy Him?” “Will I continue to seek Him?” Malachi 2:10 tells me that God is a Father to all: “Have we not all one Father? Did not one God create us?” His heart longs for children to know Him, to enjoy their time with Him as they seek Him with all their heart. Every part of my being understands God’s passion when I look into the eyes of the next generation. I want more than their holidays! I want to live in their heart! I want to be that place of joy and peace they run to when life is good and life is hard. I want to be a source of strength and an immovable foundation for the steps they take toward life.

God, today, I acknowledge You as my creator. I thank You for all that You have given me and cherish every moment we have together. I pray that I have been able to give to my children what You have given me…and that their children will reflect the inheritance of Your love in my heaert!