““But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord.” (2 Corinthians 3:18)”
Glory: the full weight of a person or thing, their identity, purpose, essence!
Wow! Now think about this, "God's glory is the essence of our human DNA!" Yes, according to scripture, we not only were fashioned in the image of God, but He has chosen to dwells within us, to give us His Spirit, His essence!
We are taught to give God the glory in every aspect of our lives. So I ask you, "Does demeaning or diminishing His essence within you give Him glory?" No! On the contrary, you give God glory by shining brightly, by living life fully, by acknowledging and claiming and living like His essence abides in you...because it does!
When we begin to embrace this core belief that we are a reflection (or mirror as the Word says) of God's glory, how we see ourselves, and by design how others see God, literally transforms our world from the inside out. Sadly, many will pull away from this belief labeling it as arrogance, self confidence. The Truth is, having confidence in who you are is a strong faith and trust, as well as a bold recognition of your legacy, inheritance and origin. YOU are a child of THE KING....PERIOD!
Also, to not shine is to ignore your Creator's command in Isaiah 60:1, "Arise, shine for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord rises upon you." According to St. Irenaeus, "The glory of God is man, fully alive."
By looking into that mirror and seeing our God-given glory - the seed of our Creator comes forth from our inner most being; it becomes a permanent, perpetual part our identity. How can we not shine forth with His glory? When we understand that we have been made in His image, we become joined to Him in significance and purpose. When we realize that we reign with Him; that His desire is to rule with us; and that we display His glory...we will not hide our light under a lamp shade! No....we will shine forth!
It is time to discard the mask of false humility and allow His glory to be seen in us. Look deeply into that mirror and know how He sees you....His inheritance, His offspring!
Remember, it isn't ego to reflect your value, it is conviction that in your deepest self, you are a part of something and someone GREAT....YOU ARE COMPLETE, PRESSED DOWN, SHAKEN TOGETHER AND OVERFLOWING WITH THE PRESENCE OF THE ESSENCE OF YOUR CREATOR!