Living Wild - I Decide!

"We are assured and know that [God being a partner in their labor] all things work together and are [fitting into a plan] for good to and for those who love God and are called according to [His] design and purpose." Romans 8:28 (AMP)


I remember watching the movie “Wild”. Like most who see it, I began thinking about the forks and bends in my own life (but then everything gets me thinking). Why is it that as humans we have to fight our way through adversity to discover who we really are? I am finding that it isn’t as much about adventure for me, as it is conquering something within! Rather we are male or female, young or old the sense of identity that comes with overcoming something that “appeared” bigger than ourselves. The “I can do it” foundation of our belief system solidifies and fortifies current and future endeavors when we begin to believe in who we are!

It doesn’t take much to throw any of us off course, but what we do with the detour defines the journey. Do we give up and turn around? Do we pitch a tent and settle? Do we allow the journey to define us? Or do we continue with eyes wide open taking in the unplanned horizon and exercising our God-given right to choose? To choose where we plant the next foot? Maybe I don’t have control over tomorrow, but right now, right here….I DECIDE! I DEFINE THE MOMENT!

Who am I? I am a story unfolding! I am an aging woman with chapters of life that branch off into an array of directions. But not one branch was a dead end, not one branch was birthed for ‘no apparent reason’. Yes, every shoot of my life culminated in my NOW! The very fiber of my being has been woven together by the unfolding choices of my life. NO REGRETS! NO TURNING BACK! NO GIVING UP!

Am I the woman God intended me to be? If I am ME…then yes! But if I am being who I think you want or need me to be…then no!

As my new season begins, let me encourage myself and anyone else reading to challenge the act of “mere existence” with a sense of PURPOSE! This attitude alone toward your car stalling, a job change, financial difficulties, relationship struggles or any other ADVERSITY will work “with you” and “for you” on the path(s) God wants to partner with you to unfold! Purpose gives life to every choice we make!