I am Woman & I am Free

Not for the religious at heart....

The first step in finding my way back to Truth is in admitting I am living a lie. This lie is embedded deep within a religious belief system that has put the approval of man before God’s Word. It is time for me to be honest and begin to release what I have tiptoed around for years, one Truth at a time.

To begin: Jesus paid the price for mankind’s separation from God. He paid the debt in full with no additional payments due from me (my performance orientation- useless). No longer will I allow man, woman, pastor or religious institution to hold me to a curse that took place in the Garden of Eden and was redeemed by Jesus! (Remember, the curse was nailed to the cross with His blood?)
Man is no longer the head or ruler of woman (curse declared by God in Genesis 3:16) nor does God see them as different in the Spirit (equality declared by God in Galatians 3:28). I know the voice that speaks to my inner being, I follow that passion with or without man's approval (no more following man).
If I hear one more person say God used a woman because a man wasn't available my spirit is going to scream....STOP (either He paid the price or He didn't, make up your mind)!
Do they honestly think that in God's infinite wisdom & timing He chose 2nd best? Or that God is willing to settle for scraps because He wasn't welcomed at the main table. No! He knows exactly what He is doing and in His perfect timing who He is going to use. Wake up people. You are a product of His DNA and are fully equipped for anything your heart desires. Do not let your false beliefs hold you back! God dwells IN YOU now go and demonstrate His amazing AGAPE love (1 Corinthians 13) that turns the hearts of His children back to Him.