Living Strong


1) I am not against men nor do I believe women should overthrow or seek to dominate them.

2) Nothing would please me more than to see a man soar to his full potential and become the man he was created to be

3) However, I do not agree with the belief system that a woman must become less for a man to achieve his potential

4) In no way do I advocate that women rebel or give in to selfish ambition. Loving others as you love yourself and considering or deferring to others is a sought after Godly attribute.

5) I am fully aware that not everyone will receive what I present in the spirit of how I am giving it. No matter how something is meant, the receiver will always process it through their belief system. And, unless we are on the same page, you will probably read something into my words that was not intended to be communicated. I encourage you to not judge me and try to believe the best about my intentions.

6) Often when trying to make a point, only one side of an issue is presented. Therefore, know that there is more to what I am saying than you are receiving – it is not intended to be the whole truth!

7) Often when I refer to “man” I am not talking about a gender but a species

I know I have a passion to see women free to soar above the limitations society has put on them. So why do I hesitate to speak out or stand up for what I know is right? Once again it comes down to the fear of man and the labels we place on each other.

In my more than 30 years of living a Christian life, I have waited for opportunities to inject a brief comment here and there about the gender bias within the church walls. I admit it was usually as subtle as I could be in fear of being judged by my peers. Yes, the fear of man and my need for their approval goes all the way back to my lack of a father and the mountain of shame I had to find my way out of growing up (both physically and spiritually). I wish I could blame it on a Patriarchal society and the male dominance mindset when in truth, women judged me more than men did.

I think as women in the church we like hiding behind the men and holding them accountable for our insecurities and unfulfilled dreams. Surprisingly, even Jesus is used as a crutch to keep us from facing our fears and having the faith to move forward. After all don’t we believe that if He really wanted us to do something he would blow open the doors and speak clearly to our spirits? Maybe so, but then again, He might be waiting for us to have the faith to take the steps then He graciously comes along side us before we see the waters part.

So, “Am I a feminist?” That, my dear friends, is the question I have been asking myself secretly for years. By definition Feminism is the belief that women and men should have equal rights and opportunities religiously, politically, socially, and economically. Yes, I believe with all my heart and soul that God created all mankind equal (not alike but equal). And that His intent before the fall of man was for our individual gifts (not roles) to fit together to advance His kingdom. That meant where one was weak the other would be strong, that we would have each other’s back as partners in our growth and development, that we would build each other up in love and encourage each other, believe the best in each other and rejoice in each other’s victories. In the garden God provided ALL FOR ALL! It wasn’t until the fall that woman was placed under man’s dominion and her passion turned from God to her mate. Then came Jesus who redeemed (done deal! Not waiting for someone else to do anything) ALL of mankind back to their intended status with God in the garden. Yes, He paid the price for “the sin” that separated us with His blood. Unfortunately, our social evolution since the fall has not allowed for the fullness of what Jesus did to be experienced among His body. Even our ‘user friendly’ terminology such as servant-leader is a product of a man-made hierarchy that evolved from Eve’s seed of sin and man’s fear of releasing an uncovered woman into the world (after all, she can’t be trusted to not lead us all into sin again). I have heard it argued that the male leadership role is a product of the order of creation. Well, if that were true should not the animals be ruling over man?

Sometimes, I think we just grab for a reasonable sounding explanation for what we are really clueless to understand. Or, we just believe what others tell us without seeking out Truth?